Travel to Find Yourself
We’ve had a lot of time at home lately. A lot of time to think about the way things used to be and how we want them to be in the future. Travel tests and defines us by meeting people who approach life from different perspectives. I travel to see the sights and to meet the people in them. Whether exploring a city, nature or a foreign land, life’s about collecting experiences you’ve never tried before as you refine the ones you wish to repeat forever. Let these ideas serve as inspiration for leaving your comfort zones and experimenting with the wonder of living. Step outside and see something new. Open your mind to the possibilities of your imagination and just Go.
Arriving in Antibes

I really wanted the bananas.
Calanques de Cassis hopes of seeing the calanques.
A Few Days in Provence

We found a little slice of heaven.
Go to Morocco

...the candlelight took the place of the sun.
Run Brussels, Run!

I finished in who knows what time...
Lovely Lille

Lille reminded me of a mini-Paris.
Biking the Windy City blue it resembled the Caribbean Sea.
A Chicago Teen

We remembered the day you made us parents...
All About the Abbey

The Abbey is spooky and magnificent.

...the national language of Luxembourgish.
Gaasbeek Castle

All the kids had a spooky time.
The Royal Greenhouses

Plus it was raining and it was mainly indoors.
En Champagne

We left the Dom in Champagne.
Easter in Brussels

The sun even made a bright appearance.
Sunny Barcelona

The brightly lit streets are full of revelers.